Sep 07, 2024 Last Updated 23:02 PM EDT

NewsChristmas tree lights, Ofcom, Wifi speed, Broadband router

Ofcom warns: Christmas tree lights could ‘slow’ wifi speeds

Dec 08, 2015 09:15 AM EST

Fairy lights on the Christmas tree might slow down wifi speed, says watchdog Ofcom. The reasons for slow wifi connections might be that the router is placed near lamp, baby monitor or stereo etc. The radio waves emitted by serial fancy lights from Christmas tree lighting, weakens wifi signal boxes if kept near those lights or other high beams.

According to BBC report, Ofcom has come up with a new application (app) that tests wireless signals to see whether data is flowing freely uninterrupted from the routers to electronic communication devices like mobiles and tablets.

This app also guides people in providing solutions and tips to find the problem that slows down the wifi connection. Ofcom performed a research in which wifi connections of six million homes and offices were studied that said the speed was not upto the mark. Post this, Ofcom released the app favoring the residents as well as offices to know the reason for slow wifi connection and act accordingly.

Ofcom's 2015 Connected Nations report this year shows a good progress in the availability of communications services which are crucial in people's personal and official lives. The report also shows that more than a quarter of homes in the UK (27% of homes) have 'superfast' broadband services now with connection of 30 Mbit/s and more when compared to that of last year.

Talking to The Telegraph in the month of November this year, Ms. Sharon White, the Chief Executive of Ofcom said, "This is often caused by something unrelated to the Internet connection, which could be as simple as interference to the broadband router from a lamp, stereo speakers or baby monitor."

Also Ms. White mentions that people are storing their router in a wrong place and are thus suffering from a slow wifi connection. As Christmas approaching, Ofcom warns people not to store their router near Christmas tree lights as this might disrupt or slow down the wifi connection.