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NewsSingapore, U.S. military, Boeing P8 Poseidon, south china sea, South China Sea claims

Singapore and U.S. Agreed to Deploy Boeing P-8 in South China Sea

Dec 08, 2015 05:57 AM EST

Singapore and United States declared the deployment of Boeing Poseidon P-8 in South China Sea. A joint-statement was made on Monday by U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Singapore Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen. The surveillance airplane is to operate in  Singapore for a full week, from December 7 to December 14.

According to Reuters, the plane deployment is a fresh fresponse to China, over its pursuit of territorial claims in the South China Sea. Official in U.S. defense said further deployment in Singapore could be expected. Currently, U.S. has already deployed several P8s from Japan and Philippines, and conducted surveillance flights from Malaysia.

The deployment is expected to increase support for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations in the region. Since Boeing P-8 was also actively involved in search operation for Malaysian Air Flight MH370 that disappeared in South China Sea in March last year. According to the statement, the deployment would also "promote greater interoperability with regional militaries through participation in bilateral and multilateral exercises, while providing timely support for regional HADR and maritime security efforts."

Beside the deployment of the surveillane airplane, Singapore and U.S. also enhance their defense cooperation in maritime operation. The Diplomat reported that meeting between two defense ministers is to sign a new enhanced defense cooperation agreement (DCA). They also discussed deployment of another U.S. littoral combat ships (LCS) to Singapore, after USS Fort Worth was sent to Singapore in December 2014.

Littoral combat ship is a small vessel capable of small assault transport, carrying two Seahawk helicopters and designed for close-to -hore operations. It is built by Lockheed Martin, the company that also build two world-famous jet fighters the F-16 and F-22 Raptor. The USS Fort Worth deployed in Singapore was first comissioned in 2012, and also involved in search operation for Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 that crashed on 28 December in South China Sea.

Boeing Poseidon P-8 is a military version of Boeing 737-800 for maritime operation. The aircraft was modified for surveillance and naval patrol with an advanced radar and sensor. It also capable of carrying anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes.

However, according to The Guardian this deployment is likely to anger China, which is at odds with Washington over the South China Sea. China has claimed most of the energy-rich sea, and Washington tried to build up defense relationship with Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei.

Recently China build an artificial island in South China Sea's Spratly archipelago and increasing its military presence there. As Singapore and U.S. signed their military agreement, this will increase the presence of U.S. military equipment and personnels in the disputed area.