Sep 07, 2024 Last Updated 20:10 PM EDT

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TikTok’s 6-to-1 Shopping Strategy Will Help Shoppers Reduce Anxiety and Save Money

May 13, 2024 12:36 PM EDT

Shopping trips to the grocery store may be emotionally taxing, particularly if you're attempting to buy nutrient-dense foods while simultaneously trying to keep the cost of food down.
(Photo : by DANIEL LEAL/AFP via Getty Images)

Shopping trips to the grocery store may be emotionally taxing, particularly if you're attempting to buy nutrient-dense foods while simultaneously trying to keep the cost of food down.

Axios reported in 2024 that 59% of people had unpleasant feelings when they went grocery shopping. The most common emotions are anger, but resignation and worry are also prevalent.

So how can you maintain a low level of stress while shopping effectively for healthful food? The 6-to-1 shopping technique, a recent TikTok craze started by chefs, could hold the key to the solution. What it is and how you might wish to apply it to your life are explained below.

The 6-to-1 Grocery Method

Chef Will Coleman created the 6-to-1 shopping strategy and has a devoted TikTok following. His method aims to reduce shopping anxiety while saving money and enabling consumers to prepare healthier meals without completely giving up on indulgences.

The idea seems straightforward at first glance. Before you do your usual grocery run, remember that you will be purchasing six vegetables, five fruits, four meats, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one item simply for fun.

Plan your use of such goods and how you could include them in meals in general. For instance, you may begin with the proteins and assemble recipes with the additional ingredients you buy.

Perhaps you buy a salmon filet, a huge container of firm tofu, one pack of four chicken breasts, and two pounds of ground beef. Next, think about how you'll cook the fish with the starches, sauces, and veggies.

Planning a dinner doesn't always include following a recipe. The distinction is that once you're at the store, you can change your mind about what you want to buy. Prepare to change course if you find certain products you hadn't planned to buy are on sale.

Read also:Food Prices Down in 2024? Time to Revise Your Grocery Budget

How Your Wallet Benefits from the 6-to-1 Method

If you get the hang of it, the 6-to-1 grocery shopping approach may eliminate guesswork from your shopping experience and save you money. This is because fresh vegetables, which take up the most room in your shopping cart, are far less expensive than most meats, such as chicken and beef.

When you're on a 6-to-1 shopping trip, price-check everything that is prepackaged to ensure you're getting the best value.

Additionally, there are strategies to lower the higher prices if you wish to concentrate on organic food. Still, have a look at some more affordable traditionally farmed goods.

Related article:How Food Marketing Tactics Impact Low-Income Shoppers

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