Oct 06, 2024 Last Updated 16:24 PM EDT

Newsemployee, incentive, office, colleague, worker, boss

Make Your Workplace Stress-Free in 9 Easy Ways

Sep 18, 2015 06:53 PM EDT

Everyday work stress you out draining most of your energy and worst, develops health problems.  But there are ways you can combat stress and get back to work with more energy and optimism. 

A work cannot be called work without getting stressed.  Every day you need to wake up early to avoid jam-packed traffic as well as the sarcastic greeting from your boss of arriving late.

And when you enter the office piles of folders and other things are already waiting for you to get done.  Colleagues keep on babbling around gossiping with other workers.  You're asking yourself, "When will this end?"

The truth is no matter how big your workload is or how inconsiderate your co-workers, you can still do the daily routine job in a stress-free environment by following these simple tips.

There should be an effective job design. This enables the employee to provide 100% to the company while keeping safe their health and well-being. They need to consider the working hours, workload, shift patterns, rest breaks, responsibility, and authority.

A fair remuneration is equally important.  It is stressful for an employee if he feels that his efforts are not adequately rewarded. He should be paid according to his skills and an incentive would be a great addition that motivates him to do even better.

Effective communication should not be forgotten.  An employee can work better if they know their role, what is their purpose, what are their goals and objectives as well as the company's. Being an employee, they should also determine their performance in relation to their goals, how the organization is performing in relation to its goals. Lastly, they should know whom to turn to in case they need help.  Uncertainty has no place in a stress-free environment.

Add personal touches to your workplace.  If you're always stressed out, ease it by personalizing your desk or cubicle.  You might want to put some things that have special meaning to you such photos of a loved one or family or a decorative accessory of your choice.

Be patient and learn to handle noises or interruptions. A chatting colleague or a gossiping worker is normal in every workplace.  An effort made to learn how to handle such situations in your workplace could definitely decrease the stress level at work.

Put some potted plants to your desk or office and notice how you get a different ambiance. Plants provide fresh oxygen that eliminates carbon dioxide.  Another thing is seeing the beautiful flowers or fruits from bonsai trees gives you a feeling of serenity and happiness alleviating your feeling of getting stressed.

It is better if you redecorate and not renovate.  If you are the business owner, you always think of how you can cut those expenditures.  You can just have the walls repainted and put on some new frames or replace the lighting.  

Learn how to socialize.  After a hard day's work, you have every right to unwind.  Go out with friends or have a picnic with the family during your day off. In this way, you will have a change of environment and forget all about the stress your job has given you.

Incorporate some relaxation exercises into your everyday work.  Don't just sit for long hours or this will make you a couch potato.  Get away from your chair and do some exercises to ease back pain and to keep you awake as well.

Don't let stress eat you out because no work will be done properly.  In addition, just think of the bills and the people who are counting on you.