Oct 06, 2024 Last Updated 06:30 AM EDT

NewsAsus, Microsoft, HoloLens, VR, VR Headset

Asus may be building its own version of HoloLens at a more affordable price

Oct 22, 2015 01:41 AM EDT

Asus could be interested in making its own augmented reality headset like Microsoft's Windows Holographic or well known as HoloLens. The Microsoft's new headset will be announced on the first quarter of 2016.

There is a possibility that Microsoft will look for a third-party vendor for HoloLens' hardware. Microsoft has been working closely with PC manufacturers that include Asus, Acer, Dell, HP and many more to build the hardware over which Microsoft's Windows operating system runs.

The first collaboration for making HoloLens could come from Asus, which have been talking with Microsoft about this device.

As reported on Cnet, Asus chairman Jonney Shih was talking with Microsoft's Executive Vice President for Windows and Devices Terry Myerson about building its own version of Microsoft's HoloLens.

Shih said that the company is still evaluating the possibility of becoming third-party manufacturer to make its own version of HoloLens.

Myerson said that it was 'up to Shih' to evaluate the technology and start working on a compatible hardware device.

With Asus' reputation as an affordable PCs maker, now that the company showed its interest to be a HoloLens manufacturer, it is possible that Asus would make its own version of HoloLens at a more affordable price for PC users.

However, as noted on PCWorld, with the possibility of Microsoft bring in third-party hardware makers for its HoloLens, it seems that the company  is trying to establish Windows Holographic as the standard for augmented reality device, similar to how Windows dominated the personal computer market.

In an interview with BBC, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella noted that the HoloLens is on a 'five year journey' in which it will be initially be released for developers. After that, it will be released for business users, before it becomes a consumer device.

Nadella also stated that the device will support more commercial use cases as the product continues to evolve over the coming years. It is said that HoloLens will be shipped to developers and commercial audience at the first quarter of 2016 in the US and Canada, and priced at $3,000.

The Windows Holographic device offers projections of 3D images and overlays them on real-world environments. With this device, PC users will see the Minecraft World and gaming in a whole new way with mixed reality.

Other virtual reality devices that could compete HoloLens' market are Oculus Rift from Oculus, the VIVE headset device from HTC and Samsung's smartphone based VR called Samsung Gear VR. Google also makes its VR device called Cardboard.