'Not Actively Looking' makes perfect matches for executives and search firms
Looking for a job is a very daunting process, especially for senior executives. Positions in at this level are rarely advertised or posted publically. Joseph Blass and Anthony Harling founded "Not Actively Looking" to solve this problem.
Not Actively Looking is a global "matchmaking" platform that enables to make perfect matches between senior executives and executive search firms.
"Not Actively Looking is unlike any other existing or previous job site," says Blass. "It's not a job board; it's not a public social network and it's not a useless database of raw CVs. According to the Forbes, Not Actively Looking meets the real needs of executives and search firms like never before. The executives are no longer needed to chase the individual search firms by emailing their copies of their CVs. It will become easy for search firms to retrieve relevant and up to date information. Search firms will no longer need to store CVs which becomes outdated. Firms no longer need to compare social network data with their ageing databases, instead benefiting from having access to an up-to-date relevant and searchable database that is updated by the restless execs themselves.
"Our approach is very different to anything that has been done before," says Harling. "Executive search is driven 100% by client assignments, meaning that executives will be approached by search firms, not when the executive is looking for a role, but when the client is looking to fill one. In turn, this means that executives need to be exposed to the relevant search firms even when not actively looking."
Not Actively Looking allows professionals, most of who earn $160K to $800K and up, privately share their latest CV (curriculum vitae) with one or more search firms of their choosing. In their profiles, execs can disclose salary requirements and career aspirations - two things most would never dream of posting on other job boards or professional network sites like LinkedIn.
Source Wire states that, Not Actively Looking was launched with 14 search firm participants. It is growing rapidly and has secured the collaboration so far of 73 senior level executive search firms and has "thousands" of executives registered from over 90 countries.
Initially, Not Actively Looking's sole revenue stream was the $4.50 per month to which the executives paid in order to share their profiles with four or more search firms (three or less is free). The discounted rate will increase to $15 per month "down the road," Blass says. Search firms don't currently pay to play but may be charged later, he says.
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