Personal Finance

Rustam Gilfanov - Entrepreneur, Age & Family - Biography

Rustam Gilfanov - Entrepreneur, Age & Family - Biography
Rustam Gilfanov

Rustam Gilfanov is a famous IT businessman, a founder of a large IT company, and a partner of the LongeVC Fund.

Family and Education

Rustam Gilfanov was born on January 6, 1983 in Russia (the village of Basim in the Perm Territory). His mother worked in the educational area, while his father was involved in military structures. When Rustam was a child, he was keen on science fiction and Math.

After finishing secondary school, Rustam applied to the Udmurt State Institute and entered it successfully. In 2005 he graduated from the University and obtained a law degree. After graduating he could work as an Insolvency Officer, but since he was interested in the IT area, he started his career as a businessman. When Rustam was a student, he actively participated in various IT events and conferences.


Rustam Gilfanov was a student at the time generally considered as the boom in the Global Network development. He worked hard to become a lawyer, but at the same time he got greatly interested in IT. He took part in international IT projects and gained the relevant experience. Finally, he founded his own IT startup. It is important to mention that the expertise in law helped him much when he worked at the establishment and development of his own business.

In 2006 Rustam partnered with other businessmen and obtained their support to establish an IT company. Today this is one of the leaders in the software development industry. The company has already got a lot of achievements. The most notable of them include the development of above 100 gaming applications and opening offices in Cyprus and Malta. In addition, Rustam succeeded in Ukraine and Latvia, too.

The establishment of his own company made an impulse for developing a new entrepreneurship in his brainchild. This time it was a wish to support young talented specialists and create the most beneficial conditions to improve the HR expertise. Just in 5 years the company HR increased up to 1,000 employees. Today this is the company where each employee can fully use their working potential.

Charity and Investments

In the community Rustam Gilfanov is also known as a good doer. He permanently integrates projects focused on developing corporate social responsibility into IT companies. Rustam works at creating education projects for youngsters.

Rustam's most prominent charity project is LakiBuks. It was widely supported by the Ya - Maybutne Ukrainy Fund. This project is focused on supporting highly talented writers and making Ukrainian non-fiction popular among teenagers.

LakiBuks was firstly presented in 2017. This happened at Book Arsenal, a famous Ukrainian book festival. It took just a year for the project to become a partner of the program for children at this book festival. LakiBuks attended many Ukrainian and European towns and cities.

The LakiBuks project started with the wide co-work with libraries for children who live in the eastern Ukraine. Today it can be found in about 200 libraries from various parts of the country. This project presented about 5,000 teenage books on popular science in libraries in 2018. Books are mainly sent to libraries from Southern and Eastern regions. This is explained by the fact that commonly they almost have no non-fiction in Ukrainian. Rustam Gilfanov mentions the LakiBuks project as the most important one for him.

Rustam takes an active part in restoring the children's library in Kyiv and developing it into a library hub. This idea arose jointly with the Biblioteky Maybutniogo project. Presently the library has a computer lab where IT experts of the company organize IT courses. It was initially planned to organize this project only once but now it works on a regular basis and covers the whole Ukraine.

Rustam Gilfanov also co-works with the Ya - Maybutne Ukrainy Fund. He sponsors a lot of social initiatives. Moreover, Rustam financially helps those families that got into a hard life situation. Tustam also helps single mothers

In addition to charity, Rustam is also involved in investing. Recently he has stated plans to stop his operating activity and pay more attention to investing in interesting and perspective IT projects on gaming, financial technologies, and video streams.