
TrueCar Website Visitors Increased By 40 Percent During Memorial Day Weekend, Earned 6.2 Million From USAA

TrueCar Inc, a U.S. online car shopping service announced it anticipated website traffic to obtain high levels record in May, boosted by guests during Memorial Day Weekend.

TrueCar, Inc., the negotiation-free car buying and selling mobile marketplace, reports that its nearly 11,000 certified franchise and independent dealers across the U.S. were expected to see record levels of activity during the Memorial Day weekend, based on consumers visiting and prospecting across all TrueCar sites.

Unique visitors to TrueCar and the partner sites it powers are on pace to surpass 6.2 million in May, the most ever for the month. The increase comes amid promotional holiday deals from automakers, a new marketing campaign with USAA and the availability of exclusive Tr

The firm said the number of guests to TrueCar websites is anticipated to increase to 40 percent to 6.2 million in May from the previous year, raised by holiday deals from carmakers, partner incentives and promotions.

The firm explained visitor the increased in website traffic on Memorial Day weekend, supported by a San Antonio, Texas based financial institution serving retired and current members of the military, United Services Automobile Association (USAA).

The volume of the visitors are entirely on the TrueCar-branded channel is forecasted to rise 60 percent in May from 2014. TrueCar-branded platform performance involves notable growth to millennial buyers from mobile users specifically demand a car-purchasing experience that starts and ends on their tablets and smartphones.

There was a great flow from the users of TrueCar Certified Dealers and the company is working hard to assure that their partners have a record. The reliable business model is unique in the business and so while the dealers are anticipating an ever-improving volume of TrueCar users, the company is also trying to decrease overheads in order to be more competitive in the local industries.

An exciting outcome from the Memorial Day weekend was expansion in practice from the members of the USAA. Specifically in the states of Maryland, California, Georgia and Texas, where there is a great concentration of retired and active members of the military and their respective families, the USAA Car Buying Service is supported by TrueCar which gave great results.