
Fact-checking: Lindsey Graham and his journey to 2016

He has a reputation of a conservative problem solver and one of the strongest proponents of a robust national defense. A person who is consistently pushed for outcomes in War on Terror that protects the national security interest. Foreign policy is his bragging rights. He is none other than, Lindsey Graham.

South Carolina's pride, Senator Lindsey Graham of the United States Senate was then elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2008 and 2014 respectively. He is, by far, the top vote-getter in South Carolina's history; said to garnered over one million votes in the 2008 general election, making what he is today.

The 59-year old South Carolinian Senator, recently opened his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. He dedicated himself and his untimely service to defeating U.S. attackers. It is a commitment that would put back thousands of troops back to Iraq, a war that was launched in 2003. Its radical Islam "running wild" is what he is on focused now.

As with his re-election in November, winning his third term in the Senate. Graham has been an outstanding Senate voice in searching a more finite foreign policy and one of the in-charge to lobs threats the United States face especially in dark times.

With Americans believed to have grown tired of fighting radical Islam, Graham enriches to have protect and focus on Islamic States militants to maintain US safety and peace against attacks. He also eyes that more Americans will have to fight and die to protect and defend the country. He is eager more than ever to win presidency and first tasks on his list would be defeating terrorists and show his support to his to empower foreign policy in a dangerous world.

He is one of the candidates that matters in the 2016 race. Moreover, even though he won't win, he commit himself in beating down the enemies trying to kills and spread animosity in the country. Not only to penalize or contain them but to the extent of defeating them until they were put to full stop.