
Trump's tax plan to amp US economy

A few sentences from Donald Trump's previous speech are, he wants the system simplified to the minimum and he wants to see a reduction in all taxes, especially for the corporate and middle class.

On August 22, 2015, economists and anchors and authors gathered to voice out their opinions and points of view regarding the question if Trump's plan is the right plan to get the economy back on track.

Some agreed by saying a tax reform is needed and some do not.

Tax reform is one of the vital policy improvements necessary to revive the laboring economy.  Despite widespread agreement on this fact, the prospects of Congress passing and the President signing a tax reform are low.

According to Gary Kaultbaum, president of Gary Kaultbaum, that it is a good start since middle class has been crushed with taxes and see how much they have to spend just to file their taxes.  He also added that something has to be done because there are people in this country who work in the month of July just to pay their dollar in. If there are more money on the people's pocket would mean more savings, more spending and better economy.

Gerri Willis of mentioned that America is the 2nd that imposes the highest corporate taxes which is 39.1 % and according to her that is where the money is and if there is something that needs to be done is to cut corporate taxes which mean more jobs, better-paying jobs.

Ben Stein said that lowering the taxes could be a winning thing politically but never seen the clear correlation of lower taxes with higher employment or higher corporate province.

Also who joined the discussion were Charlie Gasparino of and Adam Lashinsky of Fortune Magazine who said that he wants to pay lower, but we need a leader.

A Peek to Trump's Tax Plan

Under Trump's tax plan, those who make up $30,000 per year will pay 1% in federal income taxes.  Those who earn $30,000 to $100,000 will pay 5%.  People earning $100,000 to $1,000,000 will pay 15% which is clear and fair as written by Trump on his tax plan.

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