
Jeb Bush promises 4% growth in US economy

Putting aside all the fears and 'The New Normal' notion on economy slowdown, Jeb Bush promises to run the US economy with four percent growth engine. Bush seeks tax code overhaul to boost the US economy.

Bush is for lower taxes, simplifications of the tax code and eliminating loopholes created by lobbyists. While taking shots at front-runners in Presidential elections 2016, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush said that they don't believe in high growth in the economy.

Jeb Bush during an election campaign in North Carolina said: "We've had six full years of tax increases, endless new regulation, vast new federal programs and $8trillion debt spending. And what has it gotten us?"

This so-called 'New Normal' of slow growth, flat wages and millions of men and women in the prime of their working lives have lost all hope of a good full-time job. The Republican Presidential contender Jeb Bush emphasized the need to overhaul the tax code to speed up the US economy.

He suggested for lowering corporate tax and tax deductions for business investments that will help create millions of jobs and strengthen the economy. While terming the current tax structure is a disaster, Jeb Bush said there's need to jump start economy and restructuring the broken tax code.

Bush is confident that his tax plan will speed up economy growth in addition to empowering Americans and attracting more investments into the country. The nation needs high growth to create more opportunities for the people. Two percent growth is enough for those who already made it. The high growth economy strategy involves reforming the tax code, according to Jeb Bush, the former Governor of Florida.

Criticizing his competitors for lacking optimism on America's strength for high growth, Bush said they even can't believe that the US can grow higher than two percent growth rate. Jeb Bush during his campaign further said that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have little faith in the American workforce.

"Through hard work, ingenuity and know-how, we'll compete with the world and we'll win. Secretary Hillary Clinton and Mr Donald Trump may not believe we can do it, but I do," said Jeb Bush, who launched his Presidential campaign on 15 June 2015.

He came six months after announcing the formal exploration of a candidacy for the 2016 Republican nomination for the president of the US. Jeb Bush is son of George HW Bush and younger brother of George W Bush.

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