
Paris Police Authorities Increasing their Security Dealing Pickpocket Preying Tourists

Police authorities in Paris have increased their security and protection for tourists who have been the pickpockets' target. Series of pickpocket incidents had been reported in some of Paris' tourists spots area. The Paris police added more security persons around the said areas.

The Washington Post reported, last Tuesday police briefing, the Police authorities in Paris have increased their police special units patrols in areas that are flooded with tourists in Paris. The assigned areas are the city's major tourists' sites such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum as well as tourist frequent department stores. Pickpockets are taking advantage on tourists while on board or getting off public transits bus.

The Star Phoenix previously reported about a series of pickpocket incidents in trains. Two trains in the city had been the pickpocket's favorite place to hang out since it is always loaded with tourists, Warning signs about Pickpockets are also all over on some of the tourists areas in Paris to alert all people. It has been a major problem and that greatly affects the city's tourism. Employees and staffs also reported aggressive pickpockets. Worrying about their safety, they had go on strike in order for the police to take more action on the matter.

The Police officer in charge of the special unit for tourists protection, Philippe Prunier have said that there is a decreased of theft cases this year, dropping to 17 percent compared to last year, according to the Star Tribune . The Paris Police authorities made almost 4,000 arrests this year.

In charge Police Officer, Prunier also added, car theft crimes outside the airport was also one of their main priorities. Fortunately, theft cases in public transportations have dropped also.

The Law Enforcers have heightened the security in the city's major tourists' spots because of the series of extremist assaults last January. Officer Prunier also added, joined with their latest unit patrols, it made a big change in the crime rates.

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