
Different Types of Inaugural Flights; What to Expect?

A few people are happy to be classified as airline geeks. They are contented chasing inaugural flights and would spend extra bucks just to get the privilege of being one of the first passengers to step on a new airline flight.

Andrew Gibbons is a Northern Californian, who in 2007 claimed that he couldn't miss United Airlines' inaugural flight from Washington's Dulles International Airport to Beijing, according to Washington Post. He had been in several inaugural flights in the past and he confessed that he had been hooked with it. A year back, Gibbons also took the United's inaugural flight to Kuwait.

Gibbons is just one of the inaugural flight fanatics, who enjoy the perks of seeing new places. Frequent fliers like him won't mind spending more to gain the experience of seeing new airlines and airports. "I know it doesn't make a lot of sense," said Gibbons, director of operations for SmugMug, a photo-sharing website. "My friends don't get it. They think I'm a geek."

According to One Mile At A Time Boarding Area site, there are three types of inaugural flights that airlines operate.  One is a new aircraft for the airline. If it's the first time an airline is flying an aircraft, then it's an inaugural flight.  Previously, Qatar Airways A380 had its first flight from Doha to London. Another is new routes. An airline can fly on a new route, which is new to the aircraft company. It can also be classified as inaugural flights when a new aircraft is flying on a new route.  

"I'd say it's worth a moderate amount of effort to take an inaugural flight, at least as an aviation geek. But keep your expectations low. I took the inaugural Etihad flight from Abu Dhabi to Los Angeles, and the extent of the "festivities" were receiving an inaugural flight prop and certificate. There was no gate party, no executives onboard, no water cannon salute," says Ben Schlappig, a travel consultant and a blogger.

According to a blogger, your experience on an inaugural flight varies. While some airlines give their passengers souvenirs, there are also those that give cake and champagne as a token of their appreciation.  Don't forget the certificates. Some airline companies give passengers certificates. However, don't expect that everything will be the same.

For travel enthusiasts, inaugural flights will always be a fantastic experience. As a general rule, don't expect too much and just enjoy the flight. 

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