
Public surveillance mobile app empowers Indonesians

The use of the public surveillance mobile app by some frustrated Indonesians serves as a wake-up call for government's bureaucrats to immediately address the pressing problem of their shoddy public services.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has expressed his dissatisfaction over the inefficiency of his bureaucrats in hastening the completion of road and port projects. They have not helped revive the country's economy through responsiveness, efficiency and probity.

Further, the delays of the infrastructure sector development program have fueled impatience among investors.

The legal use of the public surveillance mobile app enables residents to report potholes, faulty traffic lights, and related infrastructure issues. The effectiveness of the use of app is through images and Google Maps which capture the exact location and nature of the infrastructure problem.

The user fills out applicable forms to be submitted, together with the pictures, to the appropriate public officials.

"Information and Communications Agency head Agus Bambang Setyowidodo said that the Jakarta Smart City program would facilitate communication between residents and city officials."

Another news article was posted for the purpose of disseminating important details on the launching of two smart city applications.

"We believe that information and technology will help to slash bureaucracy, and that is what Qlue is aimed at," said Setiaji, head of Jakarta Smart City Program.

Jakarta is the leading city among the 78 cities in the world having the worst traffic congestion. With its 10 million population, the annual flood and pollution problems make the country as among the worst in Southeast Asia.

The excellence of social media has enhanced service delivery and satisfied Indonesians, making them the voracious users. According to Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja, the technology-based service is a phenomenon which holds public servants accountable for services and empowers citizens.

That is why it is subsumed that the smart city application was launched for the purpose of helping the citizens take an active role in shaping public policy and increasing the government responsiveness, accountability, and probity.

"What's for sure is that if the bureaucrats don't respond, we will fire them," said Purnama who has ordered appropriate city authorities to act on complaints, following careful reviews by regulators, made through the app.

The residents are divided in their opinions as how the app measures against the traditional filing of complaint or complaints. Some say it is cumbersome. Others say its innovation forces the city to act faster.

In a related news by the BusinessTech, it is clearly mentioned that the Johannesburg Roads Agency launched a Find & Fix app in 2014 in response to the increasing potholes problem in Joburg cities in South Africa. Its traffic congestion also increases the reporting of potholes, and faulty traffic lights, using the app.

"As interest and messaging apps become the latest means to spread the word, the government is trying to keep in step," as categorically mentioned in another news article.

With the support of this technology, it is proven to have optimized the public services to residents they truly deserve. It is positively hoped that it will continuously allow the government to monitor closely their officials in terms of the need to quickly respond on some complaints pertaining to public services.