
State of the Art Express Delivery: Marijuana Delivered To Your Doorstep Like McDonalds

As marijuana laws are being loosened across the USA with four states having legalized either as drug for medical ailments or as recreational use, start-ups are now seeing the marijuana market as being similar to the internet and tech companies are pursuing investors and financiers with business ideas using technology to transform what has been a face-to-face market like the drug dealer portrayed by Jason Sudekis in the movie " We are the Millers" and marked by the somewhat Rastafarian culture yet to be accepted by mainstream America.

The momentum of de-criminalizing marijuana and making it as accepted as a big Mac or as coffee at Starbucks in USA has gained hefty speed to such an extent that the folks involved in creating these marijuana-related businesses are affectionately called "ganjaprenuers"

NY Times reports that HelloMD is at the forefront of a new trend in Silicon Valley as the marijuana tech start-up and further informs us  that like all start-ups in other industries, these firms are trying to use technology to bring speed and efficiency to what has long been a face-to-face, pen-and-paper market and that in the process, they are also trying to alter mainstream perceptions of the marijuana industry, shedding the ganja and Rasta imagery to cultivate a wider audience.

NY Times quoted Mark Hadfield of HelloMD saying, "What we see is moms, dads, professionals, old people, everyone wanting access to cannabis," said Mark Hadfield, the founder of HelloMD. "The old type of experience - go to a crummy doctor's office, wait in line - was not going to appeal to the market that we were after, which is everyday Americans, a market that, by the way, is much larger than the old market of - I don't want to call them stoners, but let's say, ‘recreationally minded young people.'"

NY Times states people in the marijuana industry have lately taken to saying that legal marijuana is the next Internet, an untrammeled new market opportunity that is just waiting for its own big brands, the Google and Facebook of pot. 

According to Huffpost News the states to date that have decriminalized marijuana and have sanctioned it as recreational use are Colorado, Washington DC, Oregon, and Alaska.

Huffpost News informs that things are proceeding smoothly in Colorado and Washington State and both fetched USD70mil in tax revenue in the last fiscal year and figures are expected to increase. A number of states e.g. California, Ohio, Massachusetts, Missouri, Maine, Nevada, Hawaii, to date have are poised to take legalization of marijuana to the ballot in 2016. Some of the hottest companies in Denver, Colorado, Redwood, California include Colorado Cannabis Tours, Bhang Medicinal Chocolate, Loto Labs, Flowhubs, JaneFour20, and Hemp Temps. 

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