Apple Ends Losing Streak, Posts Rise In Sales After Nine Months
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company had the highest quarterly revenue ever, adding they have also returned close to $15 billion to investors through share repurchases and dividends.
Feb 02, 2017 2:53 AM EST
Amazon to Build Its Own $1.5 Billion Air Hub For Its Own Cargo Airline
Online giant, Amazon, is expanding fast and creating thousands of jobs in the United States, its Prime Air hub will support its dedicated fleet of Prime Air cargo planes.
Sense of Unease Permeates Wall Street With Trump's New Policies
President Donald Trump is starting to worry Wall Street with the major changes in foreign policies. Economic isolation may result in these changes.
Oil and Trump: Russians full of optimism in Davos
A year ago russians felt depressed because the price of oil plummeted and the West imposed sanctions, but today the price of oil has increased and soon Trump will ease the sanctions.
Latest News
Jump in manufacturing, tight labor markets show U.S. economic health: Fed
The Fed states that the US economy is improving, there is a revitalization of manufacturing and the labor market has become very tight lately.
Jan 18, 2017 5:15 PM EST
Wall Street falls with financials, other post-election gainers
US stocks fell due to protectionist trade policies planned by Trump, the concerns pushed the dollar to its lowest in more than a month
Jan 18, 2017 9:23 AM EST
Dollar dips on Trump comments; sterling heads for biggest rise since 2008
Donald Trump states that the strong dollar is killing US companies when trying to compete with China. The dollar fell because of his comments.
Jan 17, 2017 4:27 PM EST
Boeing cautiously announces $16 billion Iran deal amid Trump's tariff threats
Boeing explained in their statement that the deal with Iran, which had agreed on a nuclear accord during the Obama administration, would translate to tens of thousands of jobs in the U.S. that would in turn boost the economy as a whole.
Dec 11, 2016 11:53 PM EST
Donald Trump makes promise to cut drug prices, pharmaceutical stocks on Wall Street fall
Trump's recent statements during an interview with Time Magazine, has caused a significant drop in pharmaceutical stocks as Trump announced that he will be cracking down on drug price hikes when he officially holds office.
Dec 08, 2016 3:30 AM EST
Donald Trump named Terry Branstad as US Ambassador to China
The Governor of Lowa, Terry Branstad, has a good relationship with Chinese Leader since 1985. US News Update 2016 - The US President-elect, Donald Trump, has appointed Terry Branstad, The Republican Governor of Lowa, to become US Ambassador to China.
Dec 08, 2016 1:41 AM EST
Trump's recent Air Force Boeing contract figures found baseless, Airbus to build new planes?
President-elect Trump just recently proclaimed that he will be cancelling the order the country has placed with Boeing seeing as that the cost for the new planes may be more than $4 billion.
Dec 08, 2016 1:39 AM EST
Trump brokers $50B US deal with Softbank, T-mobile and Sprint merger may happen
Trump had met with SoftBank Group Corp's chief executive, which apparently ended with the company agreeing to make a $50 billion investment in the United States and opening more than 50,000 jobs to Americans.
Dec 08, 2016 1:07 AM EST
69 Percent of Respondents : Trump Didn't Have To Sell His Business
The US President-elect, Donald Trump, has promised to hand out of his business empires to his children before get sworn as the president next month. Some politicians stated that Trump's words just to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
Dec 07, 2016 9:57 AM EST
Alibaba, Baidu, and 23 Other Chinese Tech Companies Pledged to Help Government Fight Online Terrorism
As a response to China’s new anti-terror law, 25 tech companies in the country have signed a pledge to help the government combat online terror activities. Under the law, tech companies are required to decrypt information for Beijing and provide assistance to keep the internet from terror-related contents.
Apr 14, 2016 7:18 AM EDT
US Congress Delayed Work on Puerto Rico Debt Relief Bill, Blaming Obama Administration
The U.S. Congress has delayed work on Puerto Rico debt bill. Originally, the bill was scheduled to be the subject of hearing on Wednesday before receiving final amendments on Thursday. After that, it will be sent for debate on the House.
Apr 14, 2016 7:16 AM EDT
Five Large US Banks Do Not Have Sufficient Plan for Crisis Due to Lack of Information
GAO suggested financial regulators to disclose more information on their crisis policy framework. While five large banks do not have enough plan to manage operation during crisis.
Apr 14, 2016 7:13 AM EDT