Netflix competitor Popcorn Time has been revived after MPAA shuts it down
The MPAA has been chasing a piracy movie and TV show streaming website. Previously, the service resides in the domain and switched to different names as the association keeps shutting it down. As of now, it is currently operating as
Oct 23, 2015 9:20 AM EDT
Port Harcourt in Nigeria tops 2015's Top 5 Worst Airports in the World
Travelers are allegedly avoiding the worst of the worst airports of the world. Topping the list of worst airports is the Port Harcourt International Airport in Nigeria.
Laura Crawford talks about her first trip to Turkey, Editor revealed great spots and restaurants found in the capital city Istanbul
Lonely planet editor Laura Crawford, talked about her first trip to Turkey. The editor also spoke up about what she found out while discovering the capital city of Istanbul.
Norwegian Air $5 Billion Boeing Deal: Oslo-Based Airline Orders 19 Boeing Co. 787s As Part Of Its Aim To Capture The Long-Haul Market
Norwegian Air has announced that it is ordering 19 Boeing 787s with delivery starting in 2017 to compete in the long-haul market.
Latest News
US hits Moscow's 'red carpet' welcome for Syrian President Assad
The White House condemned how Moscow welcomed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, accusing Moscow for impending progresses to political transition.
Oct 23, 2015 8:28 AM EDT
Travel Destinations: What’s the Top 5 Best Caribbean Nightlife Destinations?
Caribbean is the right place for travelers seeking for perfect nightlife. Tired of the busy life in the city? Take a peak and book your next trip in one of these best Carribean nightlife destinations.
Oct 23, 2015 8:18 AM EDT
Google maps now lets users add stops, compare gas prices
Google recently announced that it will roll out two new additions for their Google Maps app that will allow users to put a stop in their route and another will give them the gas prices closest to their current route.
Oct 23, 2015 8:09 AM EDT
Amazon wins over trademark suit as Appeals Court reverses earlier ruling
Amazon escapes a trademark suit as appeals court reverses its opinion. The trademark suit came from MTM watch that previously argue that Amazon used MTM's trademark name on suggesting other brands to a customer.
Oct 23, 2015 8:07 AM EDT
Google leaks fake plans for time-traveling car, riding on the Back to the Future Hype
Google tweeted what seems to be a leak of a top secret blueprint for a time-travelling car in celebration of the Marty McFly and Doc Brown’s arrival in the future, which was a few days ago.
Oct 23, 2015 7:05 AM EDT
Hendo 2.0: The $10,000 futuristic hoverboard has been unveiled
Arx Pax has unveiled Hendo 2.0, the new generation hoverboard. Hendo 2.0 has a skateboard-like design that is inspired by Tony Hawk. It has a hover engine that uses electromagnet that will be able to levitate about one inch off the ground. Hendo 2.0 is priced at $10,000 for the Kickstarters.
Oct 23, 2015 6:59 AM EDT
New Canadian prime minister to pull out troops in the bombing campaigns against ISIS in Syria, Iraq
Canada’s new prime minister designate Justin Trudeau recently talked to US President Barack Obama to pull out troops operating in the bombing against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
Oct 23, 2015 6:40 AM EDT
China says increasing outflow of money is normal, no sign of panic capital flight
Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) Deputy Head Wang Xiaoyi said the recent outflow of money from China is normal and that it should not be regarded as capital flight.
Oct 23, 2015 6:39 AM EDT
Samsung Electronics considering share buybacks: Korea Economic Daily
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd considers buying back its own shares as a strategy by the South Korean conglomerate Samsung Group to boost shareholder value.
Oct 23, 2015 6:39 AM EDT
Early Christmas: Greece to get first €3B of aid package
The Greece government is poised to receive the €3-billion aid installment of €86-billion bailout package. The European Economics Commissioner Pierre Moscovici made an announcement to this effect. The European commission will deal with the recapitalization of banks and Greece's debt in November or December.
Oct 23, 2015 6:38 AM EDT
Nasdaq clocks 12% rise in profit on high trading volume
Nasdaq Inc recorded a 12 percent jump in quarterly profit as higher trading volume and acquisition of Dorsey Wright helped the transatlantic exchange operator perform better. Analysts forecast earnings of 86 cents per share.
Oct 23, 2015 6:32 AM EDT
Misfit launched Shine 2: Smarter and thinner fitness and sleep tracker
Misfit has launched its second generation of activity and sleep tracker, Shine 2. The device offers new smart features and elegant thinner design, yet more affordable on price.
Oct 23, 2015 6:26 AM EDT