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MMI Holdings profit slips 10%

South African insurance company MMI Holdings' profit fell 9.8% for the year ending June. Market volatility, inflation rise and economic slowdown impacted the insurer's performance. As part of its diversification plan, MMI Holdings is expanding overseas and developing new products.

Sep 10, 2015 11:19 PM EDT

China Panda TV is Amazon's nemesis

Amazon will meet its difficult rival, Panda TV and will just be surprised. It will be facilitated by Wang Sicong, chairman of Prometheus Capital and son of Wang Jianlin, the wealthiest man in China and the chairman of Dalian Wanda Group.

Sep 10, 2015 9:46 AM EDT

HTC is being removed from a major index on Taiwan’s stock exchange on September 21

HTC is being removed from Taiwan Stock Exchange FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 index days after the company reported its lowest revenue in 8 years.

Sep 10, 2015 9:31 AM EDT

Kirin to purchase more stakes in Southeast Asian companies as it sees economic potential

Kirin, the leading Japanese brewery brand is seeking more stake purchase of Southeast Asian companies as the economic growth in the area continues to rise.

Sep 10, 2015 9:08 AM EDT

TD Bank Group CEO to Exercise Options and Donate Acquired Shares to Charity

TD Bank Group CEO Tim Hockey will exercises 28,812 options and plans to donate the portion of his shares to charity.

Sep 10, 2015 8:55 AM EDT

Automotive Lean Manufacturing Techniques Revamp Wisconsin Maker of U.S. Navy Warships

With the use of lean manufacturing techniques from the automotive industry, a $100 million worth of investments, and a more engaged workforce, the Wisconsin shipyard where U.S. Navy's coastal warships are built was revamped.

Sep 10, 2015 8:44 AM EDT

BMW invests millions in a startup that parks your car

BMW invests an undisclosed amount in a startup offering valet service apps, ZIRX. BMW, the German automaker is investing millions in a new parking startup based in San Francisco.

Sep 10, 2015 8:34 AM EDT

The Investment Association Launches Major Crackdown on Executive Pay

Being one of UK’s most powerful shareholder groups, The Investment Association, has commissioned the Executive Remuneration Working Group to launch a major crackdown on soaring executive pay.

Sep 10, 2015 8:29 AM EDT

Financial Advisers Raised Fees for Getting Pension Help after Freedom Reforms

Financial advisers increased their basic pension services fees by 16 to 17 percent after freedom reforms.

Sep 10, 2015 8:25 AM EDT

Netflix Stocks Continues to Decline

Netflix stocks continues to decline after its rivals Hulu announced ads free streaming and Amazon will offer offline download feature.

Sep 10, 2015 8:10 AM EDT

Oil prices finally move up into positive territory

Oil prices finally moved up to positive territory Wednesday with small gains in Asian market due to stronger sentiments from some of the major financial markets in the region.

Sep 10, 2015 8:09 AM EDT

China Changes How to Report GDP to Meet IMF's Standards

In an effort to improve current economic situation, Chinese authority is adopting IMF standard to report their GDP to make sure any changes in the economic will be reflected in the data. The move is also part of China effort to obtain a reserve currency status for Yuan.

Sep 10, 2015 8:02 AM EDT

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