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Donald Trump to Review Dakota Pipeline

The US President-elect, Donald Trump, will make a review of Dakota Access Pipeline to reject a project permission in January 2017.

Dec 07, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Trump sees growing lead in Wisconsin recount initial results, president-elect calls recount a scam

The latest figures in the multi-million dollar presidential election recount has now been published online, and it seems like the entire effort may have been in vain as the results show President-elect Donald Trump's clear lead over democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Dec 06, 2016 08:02 PM EST

President-Elect Donald Trump reveals why he tweets more & he says it on Twitter

Trump says had the press been more accurate in its coverage on him and treated him with honor, he would have less reason to tweet.

Dec 06, 2016 10:09 PM EST

Trump criticizes another company for planned move to Mexico, threatens others with 'severe consequences'

President-elect Donald Trump recently posted a series of rants on Twitter which further strengthened his stance on putting Americans first by persuading companies to keep their factories within the country.

Dec 06, 2016 08:02 PM EST

Donald Trump Once Claimed Currency Manipulation By China

The US President-elect, Donal Trump, Spoke to The President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, regards to China's displeasure.

Dec 07, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Chinese netizens mocks Trump's latest Twitter outburst, claims Trump is 'running the country with Twitter'

Trump's latest online outburst regarding China's monetary policy and South China Sea actions were met with mixed reactions from citizens in both the United States and China.

Dec 06, 2016 08:01 PM EST

Environmentalist hopeful for positive outcome with Al Gore and Trump meeting, Gore meeting with Ivanka to make her climate change rep?

Environmentalist now have a glimmer of hope that President-elect Donald J. Trump may change his stance on climate change after his meeting with former vice president, Al Gore.

Dec 06, 2016 08:01 PM EST

Alibaba, Baidu, and 23 Other Chinese Tech Companies Pledged to Help Government Fight Online Terrorism

As a response to China’s new anti-terror law, 25 tech companies in the country have signed a pledge to help the government combat online terror activities. Under the law, tech companies are required to decrypt information for Beijing and provide assistance to keep the internet from terror-related contents.

Apr 14, 2016 07:18 AM EDT

US Congress Delayed Work on Puerto Rico Debt Relief Bill, Blaming Obama Administration

The U.S. Congress has delayed work on Puerto Rico debt bill. Originally, the bill was scheduled to be the subject of hearing on Wednesday before receiving final amendments on Thursday. After that, it will be sent for debate on the House.

Apr 14, 2016 07:16 AM EDT

Five Large US Banks Do Not Have Sufficient Plan for Crisis Due to Lack of Information

GAO suggested financial regulators to disclose more information on their crisis policy framework. While five large banks do not have enough plan to manage operation during crisis.

Apr 14, 2016 07:13 AM EDT

Israel Antitrust Authority Opposed Acquisition of Golan Telecom

Cellcom Israel Ltd on Tuesday announced that regulators opposed its merger plan with Golan. However, Antitrust Authority will invite the companies representative to discuss the deal before making final decision.

Apr 14, 2016 07:11 AM EDT

Steel demand across the globe to decline 0.8%

Demand for steel across the globe is expected to decline 0.8% to 1,488 million tonnes in 2016, according to the World Steel Association. The association expects steel demand in China, the largest consumer, to fall 4% in 2016 tailed by a 3% decline in 2017, reaching 626.1 million tonnes in 2017.

Apr 14, 2016 07:08 AM EDT

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