
NBA Star Injured by iPhone 6 Plus

NBA star Matt Bonner claims to have developed a tennis elbow due to iPhone 6 Plus's huge screen. Although Bonner admits that it may sound funny to some, there's only one thing he believes that could have caused the injury. Smartphone manufacturers like Apple and Samsung may have already been aware of this big-screen consequence hence the creation of apps to alleviate it.

In an interview with the Concord Monitor, Bonner gave a brief explanation why the 3-point shots he successfully connected dipped to 36.5 percent last year from its all-time 41.4 percent in his 11-year career in the NBA.

"I hate to make excuses, I was raised to never make excuses, but I went through a two-and-a-half month stretch where I had really bad tennis elbow, and during that stretch it made it so painful for me to shoot I'd almost be cringing before I even caught the ball like, 'Oh, this is going to kill.' "

And he has a suspicion how he got the injury.

"Everybody is going to find this hilarious, but here's my theory on how I got it," he said. "When the new iPhone came out it was way bigger than the last one, and I think because I got that new phone it was a strain to use it, you have to stretch further to hit the buttons, and I honestly think that's how I ended up developing it."

Bonner also says that one of the Spurs' coach for strength and conditioning shared the same injury suspecting the exact same cause - iPhone 6 Plus' big screen.

Certainly, there is a big demand for bigger screen smartphones that works best with mobile games. Manufactures may have already foreseen its adverse effect as both Appple and Samsung have apps that make it easier for users to reach the icons. Apple has Reachability while Samsung has "one-hand" mode.

Matt Bonner's claims that iPhone caused his injury could sound ridiculous. It makes it all the more suspicious when it's linked to his less impressive performance last season. However, it's a real situation that heavy phone users experience. Let's just hope he'll try iPhone's Reachability.

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