Oct 06, 2024 Last Updated 08:36 AM EDT

MarketsQuarter earnings, Twitter quarter earnings, Twitter latest news, Jack Dorsey, Twitter, mobile advertisement

Twitter ads revenue from mobile is increasing

Oct 28, 2015 11:23 PM EDT

Twitter announces that the company is getting around 86 percent of its advertisement from mobile advertisement alone. The data which is recorded in its quarter report is the highest mobile revenue recorded by the company since its listing back in 2013.

Based on the data, it is suggesting that mobile users are increasing and they have been slowly able to adapt with mobile advertising.

According to Venture Beat, 9 out of 10 of Twitter's revenue come from mobile while the rest of the company's revenue comes from its licensing historical tweet data.

Along with the great advertisement revenue data, Twitter also has another reason to celebrate as the company's revenue beats Wall Street expectation by $9 million from $560 million expected.

CEO Jack Dorsey said in a statement that the company "continued to see a strong financial performance this quarter, as well as meaningful progress across our three areas of focus: ensuring more disciplined execution, simplifying our services and better communicating the value of our platform."

Twitter is expecting to see more growth in the advertisement area as the company is constantly improving its ads.

The growing number of twitter users also contributed to the revenue. According to Twitter's average monthly active users (MAUs), there are 307 million active users for this quarter alone with an increase of 3 million users from the previous quarter.

Although the data seems small, Twitter reported that its users are increasing at 8 percent annually.

To ensure its active users keep on increasing, Twitter introduced a new service; Moments. According to Fortune, Moments works by providing users with best tweets around a certain event.

The new service was a work of the previous CEO, but it was only launched when Dorsey takes the place.

Although the company reported a great revenue, Twitter remained unprofitable even after 2 years as the company is losing $0.20 per share.

Jack Dorsey also announces that Twitter had lowered its fourth quarter guidance from $740 million to $695. Besides that, Twitter also had previously laid off 336 employees as a way to cut its operational cost.

Jack Dorsey is still optimistic about the future of the company, he said in a statement that "We've simplified our road map and organization around a few big bets across Twitter, Periscope and Vine that we believe represent our largest opportunities for growth."

Currently, Twitter shares are down by 12 percent in extended-hours trade and almost hitting the same price as its IPO.