Brazilian bourse's app to track illegal timber trade
With an objective to check illegal timber trade, Brazilian bourse BVRio has launched a new app that helps foreign buyers scan legal code for every timber lot. Over half of the Brazil's timber trade is illegal, according to a report. The illegal logging is fast adding to deforestation, which has created more concerns among residents of Amazon region. Local residents formed into militant groups to protect forest cover and assets by taking action against illegal loggers.
Nov 26, 2015 10:32 PM EST
Drones and Drum Lines to protect beachgoers in Australia this summer
Drones and “smart” drum lines will protect Australian beachgoers this summer, according to New South Wales government.
Google Alerts, LinkedIn are most popular online resources for job seekers
Pew research indicates that majority of job seekers are relying on online resources while very few people are depending upon advertisements in print publications. Among online resources, Google Alert and LinkedIn are among the popular options for job hunters.
Apple to begin using Samsung’s OLED displays for new iPhones in 2018
Samsung Display is reported to have renewed talks with Apple to supply its OLED displays for the next iPhones that will be released in 2018.
Latest News
A personal finance guide to aspiring entrepreneurs
New entrepreneurs face many risks and challenges in pursuing a new venture. One of the main challenges is managing personal finance. Here are some guidelines on how to better manage an entrepreneur's money matters.
Nov 26, 2015 10:13 PM EST
Arizona's Meritus Health Partners to End Operation by The End of The Year
Meritus Health Partners announced that it would discontinue its operations by the end of the year since it failed to raise additional funds.
Nov 26, 2015 10:01 PM EST
Wonder Device MagSpoof Fools the Magnetic Stripe Reader: Safe or Unsafe?
Summary- The tiny Magspoof is a hardware device that can spoof the magnetic stripe readers to think that the card has been swiped. Designed by Samy Kamkar, the legendary hacker, this device is truly a wonder for both good and bad.
Nov 26, 2015 7:59 PM EST
Sony Sells Over 30M PlayStation 4 Units
Sony sold 30.2 million units of PlayStation 4 game console all over the world, leading the game console industry.
Nov 26, 2015 9:05 AM EST
Herbalife Comes Out Clean Against the “Pyramid Scheme” Lawsuit By Oklahoma Funds
The CEO of Herbalife wins the lawsuit filed against him by the Oklahoma Funds. This lawsuit is not related to the Ackman case filed.
Nov 26, 2015 9:02 AM EST
E.Coli Infection In Seven States Linked to Costco Chicken
Costco chicken salad is said to cause e-coli poisoning in seven states according to Center of Disease Control and Prevention.
Nov 26, 2015 4:46 AM EST
Lufthansa cabin crew union calls off strike
The main cabin crew union (UFO) at Lufthansa airline has called off a labor strike which lasted until 13 November, registered as the longest strike in the history of the German airline. The management has agreed to extend basic retirement and pension benefits to staff. The next meeting is scheduled on 2 December. In addition to UFO, two other unions will also take part in discussions with the management.
Nov 26, 2015 4:01 AM EST
World Robot Conference in Beijing showcases latest robotics innovations
The 2015 World Robot Conference in Beijing that was held on Nov 23 - 25 showcased latest robotics technologies - from service robots than can serve foods to robots that can play soccer, badminton, and even play ping pong with the attendees.
Nov 26, 2015 3:44 AM EST
Blue Origin's rocket returns safely after space flight; Jeff Bezos sees suborbital flights by 2017
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin has successfully completed space flight as its rocket safely landed back in West Texas. Blue Origin has achieved a rare distinction of testing a reusable rocket, which will significantly reduce space flight costs.
Nov 26, 2015 3:24 AM EST
Sluggish PC, printer sales push HP profit forecast lower
The sluggish sales in PCs and printers is impacting Hewlett-Packard Co's financial performance. The company on 1 November 2015 split into two entities-- HP Inc and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co (HPE). HP Inc lowered profit forecast for the first quarter as it recorded profits below the market expectations during the third quarter.
Nov 26, 2015 3:00 AM EST
Li-Fi, a wireless technology that is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi
A super high speed wireless technology Li-Fi has been proven to able to transmit data at up to 1GB per second, or more than 100 times faster than Wi-Fi. Li-Fi technology uses visible light communication to perform high speed data transmission.
Nov 26, 2015 2:29 AM EST
The Polaris Slingshot Is A Thrilling Three-wheeled Roller-Coaster Track Ride
The European and Canadian companies were having fun until American companies decided to join the three-wheeler ring by unveiling Polaris Slingshot three-wheeler, a thriller roller-coaster track ride. Now, with Slingshot, being stable yet adventurous is possible at a time.
Nov 26, 2015 2:28 AM EST