Walmart to begin Cyber Monday sales drive
As part of boosting sales volume, Walmart has announced Cyber Monday beginning early from 8pm on Sunday. Walmart has also organizing Cyber Week during 28 November-4 December. The US retail major is offering discounts and free shipping to shoppers.
Nov 24, 2015 3:44 AM EST
Asian stocks tumble as commodity fall continues on thin volumes
Asian stocks tumble as commodity stocks slipped into pressure while consumer stocks gained momentum. The positive expectations about US interest rate hike is pushing Wall Street upwards.
Apple Pay soon to enter China's grounds by February
Apple Pay is reportedly launching in China by February following a launch in US and other countries last year. However, previously Apple Pay faced many disagreements to the deal, especially by UnionPay. The disagreement was mainly due to the comparatively high transaction fee.
Billionaire Liu Yiqian Buys $170 Million Painting: 'Reclining Nude' allows him to fly first class for free
A $170 million purchase for Modigliani painting can provide Chinese billionaire Liu Yiqian free flying anywhere in the world in first class with his whole family, as he uses his AmEx card for the purchase.
Latest News
Europe recession looks enduring, warns think tank
The latest IPPR report cautions that the worst effects of European recession risk could be permanent. The report suggested Europe to focus on enhancing skill set and continuous training activity for workers.
Nov 24, 2015 3:13 AM EST
CVC and Canadian Pension Plan near deal to buy Petco for $4.7B
CVC Capital and Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) are believed to be in the final stage of the acquisition process for taking over Petco in a 4.7 billion deal. As discussions are kept confidential, confirmed details are not yet announced.
Nov 24, 2015 2:47 AM EST
Swedish researchers created an electronic rose
Researchers at Linkoping University Sweden have created an electronic circuit inside a living rose. They inserted a conductive polymer into a living rose and formed wires inside the plant. The electronic rose has the conductive ability up to 1 siemens/cm.
Nov 24, 2015 2:06 AM EST
MIT research finds Android apps doing covert data transfers
MIT research found that 63% of popular Android apps allow data transfers that do not have any significant effect on the users' experience. The top apps that allow covert communications including Google's background service, Facebook, and Walmart.
Nov 24, 2015 2:01 AM EST
Women Rules The Education Scenario In Many Countries: Does The Professional World Reflect The Same?
The women are more educated than the men in many countries. It is proven from various reports, but the professional world is yet to give the women what they truly deserve.
Nov 24, 2015 1:38 AM EST
Fake Product Reviews Influence The Online Sale: Are The Customers In Arrest Of This Festive Manipulation?
Beware of the fake product reviews while buying products online during this festive season. Blindly reading and trusting reviews can manipulate your purchase to a great extent.
Nov 24, 2015 1:10 AM EST
Newest Android and iOs Games of 2015: Paradise for Gamers
The android and iOs game collection of 2015 is full of merriment, excitement and prized possession for avid gamers. If you have not tried any of them, do try the November collection to make your pastime exciting and enthralling.
Nov 24, 2015 1:03 AM EST
Black Friday Is All About Fun Shopping – Ultimate Shopping Deal Guide
Are you waiting to surprise your loved ones with exceptional gifts at an affordable price? Do you want to get your dream expensive appliance at a reasonable cost? Black Friday deals can make all your dreams come true. Stay tuned to know more.
Nov 24, 2015 12:58 AM EST
PLDT to Maintain Capital Spending at Record Level to prepare for Telstra entry
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. will allocate capital spending of 43 billion pesos ($915 million) this year to prepare for the possible entry of Telstra Corp. to the nation.
Nov 23, 2015 9:59 PM EST
US, China to roll out 'Space Hotline' to avoid conflicts
The US and China have set up a 'Space Hotline' for avoiding possible warfare and misunderstanding in satellite operations. The US has previously established Space Hotline with Russia since Cold War days. The objective of establishing Space Hotline is to exchange of information directly.
Nov 23, 2015 9:39 AM EST
Amazon Echo Grow Smarter On Its First Birthday
Amazon Echo smart speaker, code named Alexa is now one year old. This gadget is a smart speaker that can respond to human voice. Amazon delivered this gadget on November 7 last year and now it gets smarter with new functions.
Nov 23, 2015 9:37 AM EST
New Study found that half of Amazon Tree species are threatened with Extinction
A new study has found that depending on the rate of deforestation half of the tree species in the Amazon could be at risk of extinction.
Nov 23, 2015 9:32 AM EST