Tinder Partners With Zedd To Offer His Newly Released Album "True Colos" For An Exclusive Price of $3.99
Tinder partners with the "Clarity" producer Zedd for the promotion of his newly released album "True Colors". Users who spot the artist's Tinder profile and "swipe right," will receive a direct link where his new album can be downloaded for only $3.99.
May 22, 2015 10:21 AM EDT
Google set to change Maps search system after racist slurs return results for the White House
Google will be changing the way its Maps system searches work after an incident involving the use of racial slurs returned results of the White House.
Mozilla is Recruiting Beta Testers For Firefox's iOS Version
It won't probably be too long before the Firefox makes its way to Apple's App Store as it has finally started its beta testing phase. Mozilla already begin seeking potential beta testers who are eager to take a first look on the app before its public release.
PayPal CEO Dan Schulman: Announces Shift To Mobile Payments, Says They Will Be 'More Than Just A Button'
PayPal will be shifting to an SaaS platform to support mobile technology payments with Paydiant. Digital business firm Paypal is establishing itself as "more than just a button" to an international payments platform as it prepares separation from mother company eBay by the end of the year.
Latest News
15-Inch MacBook Pro With Force Touch Trackpad Released with the "configure-to-order" option
Force Touch Trackpad in 15" MacBook Pro was introduced on 19th of May highlighting choices for performance specs and a configure-to-order option.
May 22, 2015 9:27 AM EDT
Facebook Messenger to provide background information about first time message senders
Facebook Messenger will now provide background information on people who are sending users messages for the first time.
May 22, 2015 9:26 AM EDT
Apple rumored to be working on new 12-inch version of the iPad
One of Apple's latest undertakings appears to be creating a 12-inch version of the popular iPad.
May 22, 2015 9:15 AM EDT
NSA reportedly had plans to hack into smartphones via Android app stores
The NSA reportedly had designs on hacking into smartphones by deploying malware that would originate from Android app stores.
May 22, 2015 8:29 AM EDT
Firefox to show ads to users based on their own browsing histories
Firefox will now enable advertisers to target their browser users based on their histories. Firefox is taking the next step in browser advertising, and they will be leveraging the unwitting help of users to do so.
May 22, 2015 7:30 AM EDT
Adblock Plus bypasses middleman and launches their own mobile browser
Adblock Plus chooses to try in on their own after company officially launches their own mobile browser.
May 22, 2015 7:27 AM EDT
LG Display showcases ultra-thin OLED TV that can simply stick to walls
LG Display has just unveiled a new, ultra-thin OLED TV that is about as slim as slim can possibly get for electronics.
May 22, 2015 2:59 AM EDT
Philips and Carrefour set to utilize special lights to send coupons to customers
Phillips and Carrefour will be using lights to present coupons to customers as they go shopping. Philips now has a deal in place with French retailer Carrefour to sell lights that are designed to track customers and present them with coupons in their smartphones, as they move around a grocery store.
May 22, 2015 2:48 AM EDT
German carmakers and General Atlantic join forces in attempt to land Nokia map firm
German carmakers join forces with General Atlantic in a bid to formally acquire Nokia mapping unit known as HERE.
May 22, 2015 2:34 AM EDT
Leading Mobile Marketer Kahuna Launches Retargeting App on Facebook
After successfullly topping the mobile world with its effective marketing strategies, Kahuna is set to explore the world of websites next. The leading mobile marketing company launches a retargeting tool on Facebook which allows marketers to set conditions of discontinuing advertisements once the target consumer refuse to respond or have already made a purchase.
May 22, 2015 2:28 AM EDT
New Apple Invents Combined 2D/3D Display; Concept Features Gaze-Tracking And Multiple Image Views Capabilities
US Patent and Trademark Office reveals Apple's patent application of a 2D and 3D display, either separately or at the same time, without requiring users to wear spcial glasses. The company invention also features the use of eye-tracking which enables the display of different images to different viewer at the same time.
May 22, 2015 2:25 AM EDT
Apple Invents Highly Portable Mobile Hotspot; Patent Application Features Easy Set-Up, Reliable Connection And Longer Battery Life
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published an Apple patent application today that suggests the company has explored a new kind of mobile hotspot technology that is easier to set up, provides a more reliable connection, and has a longer battery life.
May 22, 2015 2:15 AM EDT