
Draghi And Lagarde Head To Berlin For Talks On Greek Debt: Leaders Of France And Germany Make Statement To Media Prior To Meeting; Doubts Greece Ability To Meet Financial Obligations?

ECB Chief Mario Draghi and IMF Head Christine Lagarde came to Berlin to join German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in defusing Greek crisis.

But prior to the talk, the German and French leaders, and the president of the European Commission, made a statement concerning the digital economy but never mention about the late-night mini-summit.

It is a world's knowledge that Athens is dealing with insolvency. Athens is compelled to pay their debts of €1.6bn (£1.1bn) to IMF in the coming weeks. First payment is due by Friday in the amount of €300m. But report spreads that Greek cash runs out and they had stopped paying suppliers and contractors.

After 5 months of negotiation, the Greek drama may come to its final resolution. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's staff disclosed in an interview from a German reporter that the mini-summit's goal is to come up with a final offer to Athens.  Chancellor Merkel wanted to close the deal prior to a meeting of G7 countries over this weekend. However, it was uncertain if there is an ultimatum in the proposed resolutions.

The unexpected meeting of the German and French leaders, and the president of the EC together with the chiefs of ECB and IMF on Monday is prompted after Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras made a strong comment at the International creditors. PM Tsipras bring an accusation against lenders of making "absurd proposals" as well as ignoring Greek democracy.

European Commission President Juncker is making an effort to build bridges with Greece concerning the "key outstanding issues of of a primary budget surplus and pension and labor market reforms."

The meeting started at 9:30 pm in Berlin. Die Welt, a German national daily newspaper, quoted German government officials as saying: "The endgame is beginning. The meeting is aimed at making the Greeks a final offer."

The mini-summit ended around midnight. However, the German spokesperson said that the leaders decided to continue the work with real intensity. Furthermore, the officials will closely get in touch in the coming days but will keep this case to themselves and the Greek government. 

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