
Canadian Adventure Company, TDA Global Cycling To Introduce Antartica Cycling Tours on December 2016

Cyclist adventurers will discover new biking experience as a new thrilling cycling tour will be introduce by a Canadian Adventure Company and will be the first group fat bike ride to the frozen land of Antarctica. The said Antarctica cycling tours will also be the first commercial cycling tour that will be held to South Pole. It is organized by a Toronto-based Adventure company, TDA Global Cycling.

The Road CC reported, the Canadian adventure company, TDA Global Cycling is to launch the world's first group fat bike ride to the frozen South Pole, Antarctica. The exciting cycling tour is named "The Last Degree" that the adventure company has been envisioning and December 2016 is the marked beginning of the ride expedition. However, before the cycling participants go their way on the main expedition base camp, at the Antarctica's Union Glacier, they will undergo preparations at Punta Arenas in Chile for four-days.

The founder of the TDA Global Cycling, Henry Gold said the participants is also required to go on training camp at Lake Winnipeg and it will begin on February 2016, the NY Times reported.  "It is to ensure they have the necessary skills and fitness level. The most important factors, explained by Gold are "to be in good physical shape, be healthy and have the right attitude."

The Toronto-based Adventure Company also said, "The cyclists will have an opportunity to experience first-hand the unforgiving but magical Antarctic landscape. They will be rewarded with the satisfaction of completing what was, until now, simply never done." According to the TDA Global Cycling, the group will on board at a small aircraft and will be flown to the 89th Parallel to make the 111-kilometre trip to the South Pole.

However, the Antarctica cycling tours seems doesn't cost cheap. The cyclist participants should expect a higher price of $75,000. The expenses for flights including to and from Chile, Special Antarctic travel insurance, clothing for cold weather and even the cost of evacuation in the event of emergency are not included to be provided by company.

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