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Source: Twitter/@beeple

Why Elon Musk Now Fires Employees Every Day

Elon Musk is a ruthless savage when firing his employees. Last year Elon wielded his power as the new owner of Twitter axing 6000 employees including HR workers, marketers, and even a handful of high-ranking executives.

Jan 23, 2024 08:00 AM EST

Cold Shower Benefits

What Happens After 30 Days of Cold Showers (Wim Hof Method)

Wim Hof, better known as the iceman, first introduced the concept of cold showers to me. This Dutch extreme athlete has set records for the longest swim under ice, the longest full-body contact with ice ...

Jan 15, 2024 06:40 AM EST

 Want to Start a Business? Here's the Average Cost to Start a Small Income-Generating Project

Want to Start a Business? Here's the Average Cost to Start a Small Income-Generating Project

Almost often, a small firm must make an initial investment to launch. Numerous factors can determine how much beginning capital you require. While some companies may start out for as low as $12,000, others might cost up to $400,000 or more.

Dec 25, 2023 01:40 AM EST

Rustam Gilfanov - Entrepreneur, Age & Family - Biography

Rustam Gilfanov - Entrepreneur, Age & Family - Biography

Rustam Gilfanov is a famous IT businessman, a founder of a large IT company, and a partner of the LongeVC Fund.

Dec 21, 2021 09:47 PM EST

Can Money Buy Love or Friendship?

Can Money Buy Love or Friendship?

While researchers have suggested that individuals who base their self-worth on their financial success often feel lonely in everyday life, a newly published study by the University at Buffalo and Harvard Business School has taken initial steps to better understand why this link exists.

Jul 20, 2021 05:24 PM EDT

Students at Hiroshima University using bicycles to commute to campus

Study: Millennials and Generation Z More Sustainability-Orientated -- Even When It Comes To Money

The younger generations are willing to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to sustainable living.

Jul 20, 2021 05:20 PM EDT

Loan Applications Processed Around Midday More Likely To Be Rejected

Loan Applications Processed Around Midday More Likely To Be Rejected

Bank credit officers are more likely to approve loan applications earlier and later in the day, while 'decision fatigue' around midday is associated with defaulting to the safer option of saying no.

Jun 28, 2021 01:55 PM EDT

Researchers Find Optimal Way To Pay Off Student Loans

Researchers Find Optimal Way To Pay Off Student Loans

After graduating or leaving college, many students face a difficult choice: Try to pay off their student loans as fast as possible to save on interest, or enroll in an income-based repayment plan, which offers affordable payments based on their income and forgives any balance remaining after 20 or 25 years.

Jun 28, 2021 01:34 PM EDT

Language Used On Credit Card Websites The Hardest To Understand

Language Used On Credit Card Websites The Hardest To Understand

New research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) reveals how easy it is for consumers to understand the language used on personal finance websites.

Jun 28, 2021 12:53 PM EDT

You Can Have Too Much Of A Good Thing, Says Study Financial Analysts' Work-Life Balance

You Can Have Too Much Of A Good Thing, Says Study Financial Analysts' Work-Life Balance

Last winter, Goldman Sachs reported it was working to make things better after a group of junior analysts revolted against 100-hour work weeks.

Jun 28, 2021 12:46 PM EDT

Top 9 Best Ways To Create Wealth

Top 9 Best Ways To Create Wealth

Wealth creation is something that everyone aspires to do. Every budget made or financial planning done aims to create wealth using different strategies such as cutting cost to save more, investing in instruments which has higher returns, investing for a longer duration and much more.

Jun 28, 2021 11:35 AM EDT

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