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Oct 25 NFL Game Will Stream Live on Yahoo sites for FREE

Yahoo and NFL team up to broadcast a free live-streaming on NFL's Oct 25 football game. Great news for NFL fans worldwide as Yahoo and NFL team up for the first time to provide "Free Live-Stream" on the National Football League's regular season game.

Jun 08, 2015 11:42 AM EDT

Drought season coming in fast; Are firefighters ready to face epic fire blazes?

Fire blazes continue to endanger the lives of firefighters each year, that’s why they undergo tough training regularly, including jumping out of an airplane and parachuting into parched bushes as well as other hard exercises that come with the job of being a firefighter.

Jun 08, 2015 10:19 AM EDT

India launches “Khoya Paya”, a website for missing children

India decides to fight kidnapping by launching "Khoya Paya" , a "lost and found" website for missing children.

Jun 07, 2015 10:59 AM EDT

“I have aged 30 years in these last 30 days”: Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, mourns husband’s death; Writes a touching, emotional post in Dave’s honor

30 days after her husband Dave’s death, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg still mourns his passing. Her grief and loss are such that Sheryl says that she has aged “30 years” during the 30-day mourning period.

Jun 05, 2015 2:23 AM EDT

MERS Virus Claims Two Lives In South Korea

Health officials have confirmed that two people in South Korea died from Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). They are the first death from an outbreak in the country. Around 700 people who are now under quarantine.

Jun 04, 2015 3:11 AM EDT

Indiana gears up to deal worst of bird flu

Indiana is hit by a virulent bird flu for the first time and is taking multiple measures to deal with worst case scenario. 300 inmates being trained for culling and other handling. Ban on bird shows in county fairs was also implemented.

Jun 03, 2015 4:55 AM EDT

Google Says 21 percent of Tech Hires in 2014 Were Women, Resulting from Efforts to Bridge Gender and Minority Gaps in the IT Industry

Google reveals that 21 percent of their tech hires in 2014 are women, as part of their efforts to bridge gender and minority gaps in their workforce.

Jun 03, 2015 1:56 AM EDT

United Airlines denies a chaplain an unopened pop as it could be used as a weapon

A Muslim chaplain claimed discrimination and hatred by an airline attendant on asking an unopened can of pop. Her FB post on her experience garnered mass support, many declaring to boycott the said airline service.

Jun 03, 2015 1:35 AM EDT

Indian Heat Wave death toll goes over 2200

Heat wave persists in India, raising the death toll to 2200. Weekend showers bring little help as the day time temperature continue to hover around 47 degree Celsius.

Jun 02, 2015 10:22 PM EDT

Protesters Rally Against ‘Fake Name’ Policy outside Facebook’s Headquarters

Over 100 protestors have shown up outside Facebook’s headquarters to rally about the “fake name” policy of the social media site.

Jun 02, 2015 5:55 AM EDT

Paris Officials Remove Love Locks From Pont Des Arts Bridge Due To Added Weight On Infrastructure

Paris officials already started to remove the padlocks that have been placed on the Pont Des Arts bridge. The main reason for this was that the added weight on the infrastructure was the cause of a collapse on one of the railings last year.

Jun 02, 2015 12:19 AM EDT

B.B. King Laid to Rest in Mississippi as Obama Praises the Blues Legend; Cause of Death not Poisoning?

The Blues legend B.B. King was laid to rest at a funeral service in his hometown of Indianola, Mississippi on Saturday. President Barack Obama even paid his tributes to the iconic singer.

Jun 01, 2015 8:44 AM EDT