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Jet rivals Amazon with $225M equity funding, the largest ever among U.S. e-commerce sites

The newly launched e-commerce site, Jet, is competing Amazon, the largest e-commerce site in the U.S., acquiring $225M funding it raised just this month. Jet is currently worth $600M.

Sep 01, 2015 2:29 AM EDT

Japan inflation weakens consumer purchasing power in July

Consumers spent less on primary commodities due to inflation rate. With unemployment that is still present Japanese thinking twice how to spend their money wisely.

Aug 31, 2015 10:03 AM EDT

First NBC and State Investors to extend merger agreement to December

First NBC and State Investors extend their merger agreement to December 31 2015. The merger was unanimously approved by both the companies' boards of directors. The shareholders of State Investors approved the merger through a requisite vote.

Aug 31, 2015 10:02 AM EDT

Finland's Nokia agrees on China joint venture with Huaxin

Finland Nokia agreed tohave a joint venture with China Huaxin and will be called Nokia Shanghai Bell to reinforce the companies' presence in China.

Aug 31, 2015 4:58 AM EDT

China raises counterfeiting to the next level with a fake Goldman Sachs

Everyone has heard of fake designer bags, earrings and watches but faking Goldman Sachs is an entirely new level of counterfeiting.

Aug 31, 2015 2:47 AM EDT

Richest man in Asia acquires World Triathlon Brand for $650M

Wang Jianlin buys Ironman brand in a move to diversify its sports portfolio. Wang acquired World Triathlon Corporation from US fund Providence Equity partners. The acquisition totalled $900 million along with Triathlon's debt.

Aug 31, 2015 2:16 AM EDT

The Internet of Things is worth $7T market opportunity - IDC

Internet of Things (IoT) will be worth over $7-trillion market in next five years, but majority of global corporate companies are yet to make IoT-based business strategies. The latest study reveals that IoT will enhance efficiency significantly.

Aug 31, 2015 1:50 AM EDT

High market volatility forces investors turn to cash, gold

The high volatility in stock markes is driving investors towards gold and money market funds. The panic investors were pulling funds off equity markets and investing in gold and money market funds. The last week's beginning downfall on markets paricularly Chinese stock exchanges triggered funds outflow from equities.

Aug 31, 2015 1:45 AM EDT

Brazil is financially ruined, under recession

Brazil is now suffering from another recession caused by many factors including the sudden drop of its gross national product and the contribution of the much controversial Petrobras scandal.

Aug 31, 2015 1:43 AM EDT

The reason Saudi Arabia won't hold off oil production

Oil industry has been suffering too much from the price crash and worse is some have gone bankrupt. Still Saudi Arabia won't lessen it's oil production eventhough they are already affected but more affected are its rivals. In the end, Saudi Arabia will have more to gain.

Aug 31, 2015 1:39 AM EDT

Oil price rebound relieved oil markets

Having a good jump from its almost six-and-a-half years low, oil market has every reasons to breath a sigh of relief. Oil price in the world market rebounded to $50.

Aug 31, 2015 1:22 AM EDT

Walgreens to house Providence clinics inside stores

The sale of medicine is no longer that profitable prompting pharmacies to look for other resources and one way that Walgreens had come up with is to partner with Providence that will provide clinic services within the store.

Aug 31, 2015 12:41 AM EDT