Schlumberger announces merger offer with oilfield maker Cameron
Cameron International had agreed to merge with Schlumberger under some conditions that still needs approval of its shareholders. The consolidaton of the industry is likely toenlarge by the first quarter of 2016.
Aug 31, 2015 12:32 AM EDT
Consumer Group calls for more transparency in product labels, more than what barcodes provide
Barcodes may soon be gone in store products as shoppers and owners look for more information on the products. Experts suggest that there should be new global standards when it comes to products and labels information.
China's shrinking demand for copper costs US jobs
China’s demand for copper is fizzling and U.S. mining workers are losing their jobs over it. Copper is used for electronic products, cars, wiring, building construction, and plumbing.
Wall Street clocks biggest 2-session surge since 2008 crisis
The rebound on Wall Street has wiped out half of the losses it suffered during the worst crash ever since 2008 crisis. The market recovery on Wednesday and Thursday helped Dow Jones, S&P 500 and Nasdaq post gains of over six percent.
Latest News
Donald Trump favors higher tax rate on rich, hedge funds
Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump favored high taxes on rich and hedge funds. While asuring lower tax for middle class and other working people, Trump said he would stop corporate inversion that's costing Amercia trillions of dollars.a
Aug 30, 2015 11:38 PM EDT
McDonald's terminated supplier's contract due to animal cruelty
A chicken farm supplier's contract with McDonald's was put to an end after accusations had been proven of the farm's cruelty treatment to the birds. Such animal abuse by the workers was recorded in a footage by a Mercy for Animals investigator.
Aug 28, 2015 8:05 AM EDT
Decline in revenues forces Caterpillar Inc to cut 475 jobs further
Caterpillar Inc has decided to further reduce its employess by 475 following decline in revenues. The sluggishness in global construction and mining sectors is impacting the heavy machinery manufacturer's performance.
Aug 28, 2015 8:02 AM EDT
Panasonic prioritizes electric car batteries over lithium-ion batteries
Panasonic stops its Beijing lithium-ion battery operation to give way to the manufacture of higher-margin products such as electric car batteries for Tesla Motors. The move is all about global trends and to increase sales.
Aug 28, 2015 7:58 AM EDT
McDonald's rejects Burger King's McWhopper peace deal
McDonald's had declined the proposal of Burger King to team up for a cause. Burger King is hoping to unite the country's two favorites and best-loved burgers producing a hybrid peace-loving McWhopper even for just a day.
Aug 28, 2015 5:17 AM EDT
Sephora’s peace offering to disappointed customers: $50 gift code
Sephora hosted an event that left customers frustrated, resulting to mass returns of items. Previously, Sephora organized an Epic Rewards Day where their clients can exchange their rewards points for some really good stuff such as a trip to Lancome Paris.
Aug 28, 2015 5:03 AM EDT
Punch Taverns sells 158 pubs to NewRiver; Deal Closed at £53.5M
NewRiver acquires 158 non-core pubs of Pub Taverns for £53.5 million. Punch Taverns decides to sell 158 of its pubs to NewRiver for an agreed sum of £53.
Aug 28, 2015 4:25 AM EDT
Toms Shoes CEO takes 12-week paternity leave; applauded by employees
Blake Mycoskie of Toms Shoes set an example to employees by taking a 12-week parental leave. Toms Shoes provides their employees with parental leave of at least 8 weeks where they get full payment.
Aug 28, 2015 4:23 AM EDT
AOL buys web developer Ashe Avenue
AOL announces its latest acquisition - web development group Ashe Avenue. AOL recently acquired Ashe Avenue, its second acquisition after being acquired by Verizon.
Aug 28, 2015 4:21 AM EDT
Goldman Sachs' distress trading desk lost $60 million
Goldman Sachs distressed-debt team lost about $50 million to $60 million, which means even this big bank, is not safe from the recent stock market chaos.
Aug 28, 2015 2:05 AM EDT
$1.2B PureFunds (HACK) is managed by a 30-year-old man
PureFunds ISE Cyber Security (HACK), the first and largest cyber security ETF is owned and managed by a 30-year-old man all by himself. He is Andrew Chanin.
Aug 28, 2015 1:53 AM EDT
Reviving the Ranger will get Ford back to action
For several years Ford Ranger became invisible in the autoworld but now it's coming back with new look and new features.
Aug 27, 2015 11:10 PM EDT