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Apple demands additional $180M from Samsung in patent dispute

Previously, Apple penalized Samsung with $548 million for infringing iPhone patents and designs. It now wants additional $180 million to cover up interest and supplemental damages. However, Samsung is also working as partners with Apple as it supplies processors and screens for Apple's iPhones and iPads.

Dec 29, 2015 4:28 AM EST

Alibaba Hired Top Counterfeit Investigator

Alibaba Holding hired Matthew Bassiur to remove counterfeit product off its site and maintain Alibaba reputation as a global marketplace.

Dec 22, 2015 9:13 PM EST

Australia Revealed List of 600 Major Corp Paid Little to No Income Tax

Australia's tax office published a list of 1500 companies that made more than $100 million in 2013-14 and about 600 paid little to no income tax.

Dec 22, 2015 7:22 AM EST

The New Apple TV with Microphone on Remote, Introduced by Siri Saves You $10

Apple has launched its new version of Apple TV with Microphone on Remote, introduces Siri. Apple has unveiled its new version of Apple TV with Microphone on Remote feature, introduces Siri.

Dec 21, 2015 7:43 AM EST

Apple Pay announced to launch In China In early 2016

Apple and China's Union Pay has signed a partnership and hopes to bring Apple Pay in China next year. The service will enable the users to have an easy, secure and private way of payment. Apple Pay will also be launched in Spain, Singapore, and Hong Kong other than in China.

Dec 20, 2015 4:50 PM EST

Lesser-known facts about Facebook, Apple and Google

Did you know that if you look at the iPhone photographs in Apple adverts the time is always set to 9:41 A.M. This is the time Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. This article will introduce you to such more interesting facts about technology giants, including Facebook, Apple, and Google.

Dec 16, 2015 5:40 AM EST

Apple Opens an Advanced Display Screen Development Center Secretly in Taiwan

Apple has opened an advanced display screen development center secretly in Taiwan. As the news is not yet out in public, Apple officials are keeping it under the wraps.

Dec 15, 2015 7:59 PM EST

Apple Opens Secret Laboratory in Taiwan To Develop New Screens

Apple has opened a secret production laboratory in northern Taiwan where engineers are developing new display technologies, according to people with knowledge of the facility. The lab, located in Longtan, has at least 50 engineers and various other employees working to develop iPhone and iPad displays.

Dec 15, 2015 4:59 AM EST

Apple Inc Acquired the San Jose Chip Making Plant for $18.2 Million

The San Jose chip manufacturing facility plant is purchased by Apple Inc. for $18.2 million. The purpose of buying the plot is still not known. Samsung semiconductor is the new neighbor for Apple after this recent purchase.

Dec 15, 2015 4:38 AM EST

Taylor Swift’s World Concert Documentary Launch on Apple Music Exclusively on 20th December, 2015

Taylor Swift gave an excellent gift to her fans by announcing the launch of the Concert documentary on her birthday. She will launch it on Apple Music before Christmas on 20th December 2015.

Dec 14, 2015 11:48 PM EST

CBS CEO said Apple paused TV subscription making it hard for broadcasting firms to coordinate

CBS Corp. Chief Executive Officer Les Moonves said that Apple put on hold its TV subscription plans.

Dec 13, 2015 1:05 AM EST

The Unapologetic Magic Mouse 2 – The Sad Reality of the Apple Design

Are you fond of Apple made products? Be sure enough whether you want to invest in some recent controversial Apple goods like magic mouse 2. Magic mouse 2 is one of the questionable accessories that Apple launched this year.

Dec 10, 2015 12:27 AM EST

Apple increases track limits for iCloud Music Library to 100,000

As promised by Eddy Cue, the Apple’s SVP of Internet software and services, the company has raised the limits on iTunes Match and Apple music library for matched songs from 25,000 to 100,000. Eddy Cue promised back in June to adjust the cap on iTunes music library before the end of the year, and now the company has delivered just in time, upping the maximum limit to a whooping 100,000 tracks.

Dec 08, 2015 7:39 AM EST

Apple joins Hour of Code project by using stores as classrooms to teach coding

Apple offers all its 468 stores worldwide as free classrooms to support the annual Hour of Code. This year, Apple is supporting the annual Hour of Code program by using all of its 468 stores all over the world as temporary classrooms teaching coding.

Dec 08, 2015 12:37 AM EST

Apple iPhone 6c with 4-inch display expected to be launched early next year

A news came into hearing from multiple sources that Apple has decided to introduce its next smartphone series, iPhone 6c on mid of 2016. The price of iPhone 6c is quite low, which is from $400 to $500. It is expected to have camera properties of that of iPhone 5s, with latest a9 chip and much.

Dec 07, 2015 8:21 AM EST

Samsung agrees to pay Apple $548M over long-running patent dispute

Samsung will pay $548 million to Apple for a patent case that has been around since 2010, alleging the South Korean company for infringing patent with their Vibrant, Mesmerize, Galaxy S Showcase, Galaxy S4G, and the Fascinate.

Dec 06, 2015 4:33 AM EST

Apple changed its logo from white to bright red, supporting World AIDS Day

Apple is following its four years tradition of supporting the cause of World AIDS Day. On December 1, Apple changed its logos color from white to bright red in its selected retail stores around the globe. The company has also launched its line of accessories to support the RED movement, spreading awareness.

Dec 05, 2015 6:55 AM EST

Microsoft Sends Heartwarming Christmas Mesage to Apple

Microsoft released a heartwarming Christmas ad, aimed to bury the hatchet between Redmond and Cupertino.

Dec 04, 2015 9:33 AM EST

Mobile is king of the sky: United Airlines to buy 6,000 iPhone 6 Plus for its customer service employees

United Airlines will buy 6,000 iPhone 6 Plus for the airline's customer service representatives, adding 23,000 of iPhone 6 Plus it bought last year for its flight attendants. The airline's pilots have been using iPads since 2011.

Dec 03, 2015 3:58 AM EST

Apple Store's new products are opening up the kitchen for automation

The Apple Store is selling products that are helping consumers improve or automate certain tasks like drinking water or sous-vide cooking.

Dec 02, 2015 9:29 AM EST

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