Walmart to begin Cyber Monday sales drive
As part of boosting sales volume, Walmart has announced Cyber Monday beginning early from 8pm on Sunday. Walmart has also organizing Cyber Week during 28 November-4 December. The US retail major is offering discounts and free shipping to shoppers.
Nov 24, 2015 3:44 AM EST
Asian stocks tumble as commodity fall continues on thin volumes
Asian stocks tumble as commodity stocks slipped into pressure while consumer stocks gained momentum. The positive expectations about US interest rate hike is pushing Wall Street upwards.
Billionaire Liu Yiqian Buys $170 Million Painting: 'Reclining Nude' allows him to fly first class for free
A $170 million purchase for Modigliani painting can provide Chinese billionaire Liu Yiqian free flying anywhere in the world in first class with his whole family, as he uses his AmEx card for the purchase.
Europe recession looks enduring, warns think tank
The latest IPPR report cautions that the worst effects of European recession risk could be permanent. The report suggested Europe to focus on enhancing skill set and continuous training activity for workers.
Latest News
CVC and Canadian Pension Plan near deal to buy Petco for $4.7B
CVC Capital and Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) are believed to be in the final stage of the acquisition process for taking over Petco in a 4.7 billion deal. As discussions are kept confidential, confirmed details are not yet announced.
Nov 24, 2015 2:47 AM EST
Women Rules The Education Scenario In Many Countries: Does The Professional World Reflect The Same?
The women are more educated than the men in many countries. It is proven from various reports, but the professional world is yet to give the women what they truly deserve.
Nov 24, 2015 1:38 AM EST
Fake Product Reviews Influence The Online Sale: Are The Customers In Arrest Of This Festive Manipulation?
Beware of the fake product reviews while buying products online during this festive season. Blindly reading and trusting reviews can manipulate your purchase to a great extent.
Nov 24, 2015 1:10 AM EST
US, China to roll out 'Space Hotline' to avoid conflicts
The US and China have set up a 'Space Hotline' for avoiding possible warfare and misunderstanding in satellite operations. The US has previously established Space Hotline with Russia since Cold War days. The objective of establishing Space Hotline is to exchange of information directly.
Nov 23, 2015 9:39 AM EST
Thai Government Will Increase Overseas Investment
Tourism and government spending and investment boost Thai economy to grow better than predicted. Government is planning to increase its investment in developed-nations equities.
Nov 23, 2015 9:30 AM EST
Singapore embraces bond trading platform
Singapore Stock Exchange is set to launch its new bond trading platform in early next year. All eyes on the new trading platform as how it will resolve several problems which couldn't be settled by previous attempts.
Nov 23, 2015 3:09 AM EST
NASA is developing the Chemical Laptop to detect aliens
NASA develops a tool that can be used to detect signs of life in other planets such as Mars and Europa. The device called Chemical Laptop is a miniature of chemical laboratory in laptop size.
Nov 23, 2015 1:48 AM EST
Oil price drop pushes 250,000 out of jobs
The job cuts in the global oil and gas industry reached 250,000 in 2015 so far and the downsizing is likely to continue further until 2017. However, the refining activity is encouraging and it's generating some demand for workers.
Nov 23, 2015 1:00 AM EST
Draghi Determined to Do Anything to Raise Inflation Quickly
The European Central Bank declared on Friday that it is all set to act rapidly to increase anaemic inflation in the euro zone.
Nov 22, 2015 7:24 AM EST
Lockheed-Boeing JV to fly into satellite launching space
Lockheed Martin-Boeing joint venture United Launch Alliance (ULA) is exploring business potential in launching small satellites called CubeSat. It's planning to launch its first CubeSat by mid2017. ULA will also launch some CubeSats for free of cost.
Nov 22, 2015 6:45 AM EST
Fire in the Xinghua Coal Mines Of China: 12 Dead And 1 Missing
Does the coal mine of China will keep revealing such deadly incidents every now and then? Let us hope that the coal mines in Heilongjiang region in the north east part of China do not witness any such episode of the fatal blaze with deaths and injuries.
Nov 22, 2015 2:26 AM EST
Alt Fi Data on Whether Crowdfunding Is A Wise Investment Or Not
Crowdfunding has been blasting in fame for both financial specialists and organizations in the Britain for the past two years.
Nov 21, 2015 9:19 AM EST