Global central bankers ready for US rate hike - Reuters
Central banks around the world want a Fed rate hike, sooner rather than later, according to Reuters. But, considering developments in the domestic and international fronts, Fed officials say it's too early to tell whether they would raise interest rates this month.
Sep 01, 2015 9:56 PM EDT
Around 200 people arrested in China for spreading stock market rumors
Chinese authorities arrested 197 people for spreading rumors that can lead to troubles. The rumors they have spread included a man jumping to death in Beijing because of the drop in stock market.
Athens goes for gas grid privatization
Greece is in favor of selling stake in energy grid to Azerbaijan government company. This is subject to the outcome of general elections and clearence of third round of bailout package. Greece aims to be energy transport hub for eastern European nations.
Oil price up 27% in just 3 sessions; OPEC agrees on a fair price deal
Oil price recovered as two sets of news made it positive for the energy sector. Opec says it'll try to get a fair price deal by speaking to other oil producers. The cut down in US Eenrgy production forecast also boosted the market sentiment. Oil price rose 27% in just last three sessions.
Latest News
The US stocks turn attractive on lower PE ratios
After the market downfall, many US stocks turn attractive as they're no more over prices equities. The lower PE ratios make it attractive for investors.
Sep 01, 2015 4:28 AM EDT
Boeing flexes its muscle to control supplier power
Warren Buffett's acquisition of Precision CastParts Corporation had urged other investors to bet on commercial aircrafts. On the other hand, Boeing Company, the aviation giant is evidently delaying transactions of its suppliers' merging and acquisition deal.
Sep 01, 2015 3:33 AM EDT
China's Yuan up on suspected intervention, set for August loss
The strengthening of Chinese currency Yuan on Monday raised many eyebrows. Market analysts believe that Chinese government support was extended to Yuan unofficially. traders observe that buying support from state-owned banks.
Sep 01, 2015 3:26 AM EDT
As long as China economy is under pressure, bearishness for copper likely
Copper price slipped below the key supprt levels of $3/lb and $2.4 and as long as China's economy reels under pressure, the metal is more likely to be under bearish phase. If US dollar becomes weaker then chances are more that copper price will pick up.
Sep 01, 2015 3:21 AM EDT
Italian oil explorer Eni discovers 'supergiant' gas field off Egyptian coast
It appears that a supergiant gas field was recently discovered in an Egyptian coast by an Italian oil group called ‘Eni’.
Aug 31, 2015 2:06 AM EDT
Brazil is financially ruined, under recession
Brazil is now suffering from another recession caused by many factors including the sudden drop of its gross national product and the contribution of the much controversial Petrobras scandal.
Aug 31, 2015 1:43 AM EDT
The reason Saudi Arabia won't hold off oil production
Oil industry has been suffering too much from the price crash and worse is some have gone bankrupt. Still Saudi Arabia won't lessen it's oil production eventhough they are already affected but more affected are its rivals. In the end, Saudi Arabia will have more to gain.
Aug 31, 2015 1:39 AM EDT
Goldman Sachs is hiring in Poland
Goldman Sachs is hiring more people for its technology unit in Poland as the Eastern European country offers affordable business environemnt. The US bank will recruit several hundres of people over next three years.
Aug 28, 2015 4:33 AM EDT
Oshkosh wins $6.75B defense contract to build Humvee replacement
Oshkosh wins bid to manufacture JLTVs for $6.75B. The US Department of Defense has been looking for a replacement of the Humvee a short time after the war in Iraq became deadly in 2004.
Aug 28, 2015 4:30 AM EDT
Floyd Mayweather’s latest car costs only $4.8M
Floyd Mayweather, one of the flashiest athletes in the world, shows off his latest addition to his car collection.
Aug 28, 2015 4:26 AM EDT
Despite slowdown, US services sector beats forecast
The drop in new businesses in the US services sector in early August caused slowdown in growth as PMI indicates in its latest analysis.
Aug 27, 2015 2:23 AM EDT
Asian growth plans at risk due to China meltdown
The latest devaluation of Chinese currency Yuan has triggered severe volatility in the foreign exchange (forex) markets. This has led many Asian nations into a dilema and forcing them to not take any major decision on growth plans.
Aug 26, 2015 10:05 AM EDT