Venezuela's currency against US dollar tumbles 737%
Venezuela's currency, the Bolivar, against the US dollar is falling by the day. The bolivar fell over 700% in just 12 months indicating the worst economy conditions, increasing inflation rate, drop in oil export revenues. The country is heading towards default on its debt repayment.
Aug 19, 2015 11:45 PM EDT
Global stocks emerging platform for varied returns for investors
The variation in different economies offer a variety of returns for investors. Trading in global stocks enable investors to offset the risk associated with one country with another.
Tianjin blasts estimated to $1.5 billion in insurance claims
Due to a chain reaction of explosion, China has now an estimated of $1.5 billion of insurance claims from individuals and different business sectors. The blast that killed hundreds, injured many and left other missing created great damage to the many establishments surrounding the area and polluted the air with toxic substances.
Euro nations take a vote on Greece bailout ahead of crucial meetings
Many European nations are holding crucial meetings on the third round of bailout package to Greek. The Eurozone is divided over euro 86B package to the ailing Greece economy. A clear picture is likely to emerge after Wednesday.
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What has schooling got to do with retail? India's top e-retailers are running free 'universities'
Free “universities” are becoming a fast growing trend among India’s top online retailers with millions of merchants in the country selling their products online.
Aug 18, 2015 9:10 AM EDT
Merkel makes case for Greek bailout ahead of key parliamentary vote
Facing a potential rebellion from allies in parliament, German Chancellor Angela Merkel appears on TV trying to shore up support for a Greek bailout. Merkel says she expects the International Monetary Fund to take park in the bailout.
Aug 18, 2015 7:06 AM EDT
Indigo Airlines Confirms Order of $26.6B worth Airbus Jets
Largest budget airline in India confirms $26.6B deal with Airbus to purchase jets. IndiGo is the largest local airline in India in terms of market share.
Aug 18, 2015 7:03 AM EDT
Puerto Rico responds to fiscal crisis with a regressive tax that could hurt country's bottom line, poor people
Puerto Rico is increasing its sales tax to 11.5% from 7% on July in a bid to address its fiscal problems. This is considered a regressive move that could ultimately hurt the country’s bottom line and its countless poor people.
Aug 18, 2015 6:50 AM EDT
India recruits private sector executives to head state bank reforms
The Indian government recruited executives from the private sector to lead two of the biggest state-owned banks, making it the first such appointments in a wide-range reform strategy to challenge the dominant but often inefficient lenders backed by the government.
Aug 17, 2015 11:32 PM EDT
Financial Struggle: Fidel Castro shares his biggest regrets
Former Cuban president and revolutionary Fidel Castro made startling admissions to Citigroup executive Bill Rhodes, who said that the Latin American leader regretted kicking out the IMF from the country and assigning Che Guevara as the chief of the Cuban central bank.
Aug 17, 2015 11:26 PM EDT
Forensic science group LGC up for sale at £700m, owner Bridgepoint expects huge returns
LGC, the forensic science service provider that has been helping police solve crime is now up for grabs at £700 million by its private equity firm owner, Bridgepoint.
Aug 17, 2015 9:10 AM EDT
Air pollution in China kills 4,400 people a day: study
China death toll increases to more than a million due to inhalation of harmful substances that linger in the air which comes from burning fuels. Studies showed that a large percentage of the population is experiencing 120 hours or more of unhealthy air.
Aug 17, 2015 9:08 AM EDT
Japan's 0.4% deflated economy, assault to 'Abenomics'
Even with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Abenomics, the country's declining economy cannot be uplift by his three-pronged approach. Unless he did something to make the economy rise once again, he will fail to get support rates from the upcoming Upper House election.
Aug 17, 2015 4:55 AM EDT
Eurozone finance ministers approve the third bailout package for Greece
After heated debate and lengthy explanations, Greece finally gets approval of billions of new loans to reconstruct the country's devastated economy. The said loan will recapitalize Greece banks and will come in installment. Total rescue package reaches 89 billion euros or $93 billion.
Aug 17, 2015 4:32 AM EDT
Leaked documents shows NSA and AT&T worked together in online surveillance
AT&T and NASA had an agreement to spy people's networks, accumulating information such as email and contacts for over 10 years. As of now, it's unsure if there are still transactions going on between the two.
Aug 17, 2015 2:57 AM EDT
China requires bold structural reforms for new sources of growth: IMF
Despite slow down in growth, China can sustain the progress and manage the risk, says IMF in its latest assessment report on the world's second largest economy.
Aug 17, 2015 2:18 AM EDT